Peruvian Mahogany

In the rainforests of Peru, rampant illegal logging is threatening the survival of vulnerable indigenous peoples and wiping out some of the last remaining concentrations of big-leaf mahogany in Latin America. » Tell the Bush administration to act now to curtail illegal mahogany imports. (via

Each year, loggers cut down more than 4,000 majestic mahogany trees, laying waste to the lush habitat of the giant otter and the squirrel monkey. More than 80 percent of this contraband is bound for the United States to be made into dining room tables, luxury car interiors and other high-end consumer products. Yet, in violation of domestic and international laws, U.S. border control agencies have refused to stem the passage of millions of dollars worth of Peruvian mahogany through our ports each year.

To help protect the rare wildlife and indigenous peoples of Peru’s rainforests, NRDC has joined forces with Peruvian groups to sue four leading U.S. mahogany importers, the Department of the Interior and two U.S. agencies for failing to crack down on the illegal mahogany trade. At the same time, we are calling on BioGems Defenders like you to urge the Bush administration to take immediate action.

» Tell the Bush administration to act now to curtail illegal mahogany imports.